Français (France)


​The most common cause of spinal injuries in the USA is motor collisions according to reports, with 44% of those affected by the injury having been involved in an accident on the road.It's believed that around 400,000 Americans are living with spinal...
  1.   mardi 22 octobre 2019
  2.   Personal Injury
  3.   General
  4. 0 Comments
It's not a scenario anyone wants to be in. But a driving under the influence charge is more common than you think. It could even happen to the most well-meaning drivers. Read below to learn about what you can do if you are arrested on a DUI charge in...
  1.   mardi 22 octobre 2019
  2.   DUI / DWI
  3.   General
  4. 0 Comments
When you're driving long distance, either to visit relatives, for a holiday or for work the idea of falling asleep at the wheel is a terrifying one. The last thing anyone wants is to find out that they're responsible for a car accident due to their o...
  1.   jeudi 17 octobre 2019
  2.   Accident Law
  3.   General
  4. 0 Comments
When we visit your doctor or medical provider, whether it's for something routine or something more serious, we all expect a certain standard of care and due diligence. As your doctor, your medical practitioner has a legal obligation to give you the ...
  1.   jeudi 3 octobre 2019
  2.   Medical Malpractice
  3.   General
  4. 0 Comments
Malpractice lawyers are legal experts that can assist clients in receiving justice due to medical negligence or error. Unfortunately, malpractice occurs more often than it should due to various factors that affect the healthcare or lives of patients ...
  1.   samedi 17 août 2019
  2.   Medical Malpractice
  3.   General
  4. 0 Comments
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