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What Questions Should I Ask a Potential Divorce Lawyer?


Divorce is a very trying time for those involved. From the moment one party decides to petition for it, it becomes a case of each partner for themselves. Hiring a divorce lawyer becomes a necessity. However, getting in touch with the right one is harder than it seems. Finding the right legal represe...

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The Micklin Law Group LLC

Select the right lawyer

The attorneys at The Micklin Law Group in Montclair, New Jersey represent individuals and families in all aspects of family law, including divorce, child support and custody, spousal support, equitable distribution of property, domestic violence, and post-decree matters. We offer personalized attention, superior results, and cost-effective representation. Contact our attorneys today at 973-562-0100.

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Varghese Summersett Named One of Fort Worth's Fastest Growing Companies

​FORT WORTH – The law firm of Varghese Summersett has been listed as one of Fort Worth's Fastest Growing Companies by Fort Worth Inc. magazine. The law firm came in No. 6 on a list of 30 companies, which were ranked based on three-year revenue growth. Fort Worth Inc. unveiled the rankings on January...

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Do You Need "Fault" For a Divorce

Do you need a reason to get a divorce? In the past, the court required you to prove a valid reason for them to grant you a divorce. Only "fault" based divorces existed.  "Fault" meant any person filing for divorce had to prove to the court their spouse engaged in some kind of wrongdoing (such a...

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Reasons to Hire a Fixed Fee Divorce Attorney


Divorce attorneys come in two types: hourly of fixed fee. Hourly attorneys ask for a retainer up front then start billing you after they use up the retainer in hours worked. Flat fee attorneys have a value-based structure. You pay for specific milestones along the way to closing your case. The hours...

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Proceeding for Divorce and Separation


If you and your spouse have made the decision to end your marriage, you may have a lot of anxiety over how child custody and support will be arranged, dividing property and assets and ensuring that you and your spouse both end up happy with the outcome of the divorce. Many couples are able to come t...

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Men Need a Great Lawyer During a Divorce


Divorces can be very ugly affairs. Two people who once loved each other and planned on spending their lives together now want to destroy each other emotionally and financially. Some divorces go more smoothly than others. However, men need to do everything they can to protect themselves during divorc...

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Why choosing the right divorce lawyer is so important


Despite that fact the divorce rate in the United Kingdom has been falling in recent years, the sad fact remains that thousands of marriages every year still end in divorce and that means ten of thousands of people every year, including children, experiencing the anguish and dislocation that result f...

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Find A Queens County Divorce Lawyers - Call Us Now!

With the changes in family law over the last 30 years, such as the adopting of reasonable submission set up of the old common-law recommendations, the adopting of rules defending army partners, and the adopting of assistance recommendations and Queens County regional recommendations promulgated with...

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What to Do if Your Spouse Doesn't Want to Hire a Divorce Attorney?


Some people choose to defend themselves on their own during divorce instead of hiring a lawyer to represent them in the courtroom. Although this is a more difficult route to go, some spouses cope with the legal aspects of the divorce by themselves. They decide it either to reduce expenses and save m...

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What is Family Law, which areas of Law does it represent and how Solicitors Oldham can help you?

Family Law covers areas of the law such as the division of family property, child custody, visitation rights for parents, child abduction, adoption, divorce, child neglect, civil unions, marriage and these types of issues. Worldwide these kinds of legal cases are on the increase due in some part to the rise in divorce and relationship breakups.

Family law, unlike much of the rest of the legal profession, touches very sensitive subjects since it deals with someone’s private life. It is often the case that family solicitors can end up not only dealing with the legal aspects of the case but also acting as counselors to the persons they represent. Plus, as well as counselors, they are often asked to be mediators & negotiators for the parties they are standing for. In many cases, the courts themselves will try to get the family members to come to some kind of reconciliation.

Family Law in recent years has undergone changes and this is due in most part to the way society views the different types of relationships that are now free for people to follow. As well as marriage between a man and a woman, this is known as traditional marriage, there is same sex marriage, & civil partnerships. As well as these there has been a recognition of common law marriage after a couple have been living as a married couple for more than a few years.

A popular approach to divorce has been to engage in collaborative law in a way to reduce the expense of an ongoing divorce law suit. The way this works is to use a structured process to resolve the disputes instead of going into what can be lengthy legal proceedings in the courts of law. Collaborative Law lets the couples, whether married or in civil partnerships that are in dispute to with the uses of their respective solicitors to follow a process that is guided by the solicitors to come to an amicable resolution.
Family law in the modern age does discourage families from going to court since this process can be very lengthy, costly, and can in many cases do more damage to the people involved than the original breakup.

For Collaborative Family Law, the parties in dispute can come away from the process with an amicable result, thus benefitting not only the individuals, but also any children involved and other family members. In such cases the solicitors involved take up an agreement that if either party was to end up going to court with this same case, that they would not represent them in court. When Collaborative family law has been applied, it has resulted in successfully reconciled couples that would otherwise been at each other’s throats throughout a traditional divorce law suit.

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